Kane LPI 解决方案 (Malta) Limited -网站免责声明

只要它涉及澳门新葡新京在线LPI解决方案(马耳他)有限公司, 本网站不面向一般公众. It is designed for use by Professional Clients including Collective Investment Schemes as defined under the 投资服务法(1994年)(马耳他法律第370章)(“ISA”). 你必须同意这些条款 下面列出的条件是为了你自己和其他人的利益, 你代表谁访问 Company website and acquire information about Kane LPI 解决方案 (Malta) Limited (“the Company”). 的 Company is a Recognised Fund Adminsitrator and holds a Category 2 investment services licence issued by the Malta Financial Service Authority in terms of the ISA authorizing it to provide to provide reception and transmission of orders services and/ or the execution of orders (the “Services”) to Professional Clients, 包括在ISA中定义的集体投资计划. 服务将提供给专业人士 Clients including Collective Investment Schemes in respect of a number of financial instruments, 即:

  • 可转让证券;
  • 货币市场工具;
  • 集体投资计划单位.


This website and the information which is contained in it or otherwise incorporated by reference has not been and will not be submitted to, become approved by or verified by or registered with any relevant 当地法律规定的监管机构. 本网站不供任何人士浏览,亦不应供任何人士浏览 persons who are located or resident in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person’s nationality, 住所, 住宅 or otherwise) the publication or availability of this website is prohibited or contrary to local law or regulation or which would subject the Company to any registration or licensing requirements 在这样的管辖范围内. [For those who are acting as agent, it is your responsibility to be aware of, to obtain all 监管机构的批准, 许可证, 验证和/或注册, 并遵守所有适用法律 以及任何相关司法管辖区的法规与您进入本网站有关.]

的 information found on this website should not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to any Professional Clients 包括在ISA中定义的集体投资计划 and should not be relied upon by any other persons or redistributed to the retail public in relevant countries.


的 information contained and referenced on this website (包括但不限于 the information, functions and documents herein (hereinafter referred to as the “Contents”) is supplied solely for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer, solicitation or recommendation for any investments, investment funds or products in any jurisdiction where such activity is unlawful. 的 Contents have been prepared without taking into consideration the investment objectives, financial situation or means of any person or entity and the website is not soliciting any action based upon them. 内容不应被 construed as a recommendation or an offer or invitation to trade in any units 任何内容也不应构成本协议的基础, 或在…方面值得信赖, 任何合约或 任何人进行任何交易的承诺. 内容不应被 解释为招揽或推广任何金融产品或服务. 这个网站不是针对你的, if we are prohibited by any law or regulation of any jurisdiction from making the information on this site available to you and is not intended for any use which would be contrary to local law or regulation. 如果你 are visiting our web site from any such jurisdiction, please kindly disconnect from our web pages.


本网站内容是本着诚信原则发布的. 不作任何明示或暗示的建议、陈述或保证 由本公司或任何人士就其充分性作出声明, 精度, 完整性, 这是合理的 适合你的目的,不应该依赖它. 已尽一切努力确保 精度 of the Contents, but it may be based on outdated data or subject to errors. 此外,你 必须承认过去的表现不能代表未来的表现. 投资价格 instruments can go down as well as up and may be affected by changes in rates of exchange. 一个投资者 可能拿不回投入的金额吗. 任何投资都可能涉及重大风险. 不可能有 保证这些投资将会成功. 投资者可能会损失一大笔资金 其投资的一部分或全部. 因此,每个投资者都应该仔细考虑自己是否负担得起 承担进行投资的风险.


Potential investors should inform themselves as to (a) the possible tax consequences, (b) the legal requirements and (c) any foreign exchange restrictions or exchange control requirements which they might 在其国籍国的法律下相遇, 住宅, 公司或住所和 which might be relevant to the subscription, holding, or disposal of any units of investments. 它是。 responsibility of any persons in possession of any marketing material or any documentation with respect 任何文书或证券及任何希望申请服务的人士, 为了他们自己的目的 behalf of others, to inform themselves of, and to observe and comply with, all applicable laws and 任何有关司法管辖区的法规. 潜在投资者应了解相关法律 requirements of so applying and any applicable exchange control requirements and taxes in the countries 二国籍、居所、住所. 在任何文件中所作的陈述,除非另有说明 所述, are based on the law and practice currently in force of the respective jurisdiction and are subject 其中的变化.

如果您不确定所提供的任何信息的含义, 请咨询您的财务或其他 专业顾问.


的 Company shall have no liability for 任何损失 or damage arising in connection with this website or out of 使用, 任何人使用或依赖本内容的能力, 包括但不限于, 任何损失 利润或任何其他损害, 直接的或间接的, 不管它们是否源于契约 or tort (including negligence) or whether the Company has foreseen such possibility, 除非 排除或限制违反适用法律. 通过访问本网站的某些链接,您可以 离开这个网站. 本公司并未检视任何连结网站,亦不作任何假设 对此类网站的内容负责, 也不是服务, 通过这样的渠道提供的产品或物品 网站.